Friday, October 29, 2010

Inspiration: Life Cycle of a Butterfly

Inspiration is an extremely effective tool to use in the classroom, especially for Deaf and Hard of Hearing students. Something extremely visual will really grab their attention, and hopefully keep them focused more on the lesson. It is difficult to use tools in the classroom that the students are not used to, so I believe that I will be using Inspiration, if my school allows it.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Scavenger Hunt

I absolutely loved doing this assignment. It allows the students to 'think outside the box' and get used to taking digital pictures and uploading them onto a computer. Its a fun assignment that students will enjoy doing as well as serving an educational purpose!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010


I feel like the Webquest activity was very well set up. I dont think I would have understood it as well if you had just explained it yourself. I also like how we had specific characters that we had to keep in mind while viewing the Webquests. It was beneficial because every student is different and they prefer different things, so it helped show which kinds of Webquests tailor to different likings. I will definitely use a Webquest in my classroom.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Google Docs

I really enjoyed learning about Google Docs. It's great for easy sharing on the web. However, I am struggling on what I would use it for. It is so similar to a Wiki, and honestly I would prefer to use a Wiki, even though Wiki's dont have as many features as Google Docs. I still can't believe all of the technological tools out there that I had no idea existed. This class has been so beneficial already. It almost makes me wish I would do middle or high school instead of elementary so I would get to use all of these tools more often!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Digital Collection Slideshow

This project was very fun to do. It was so simplke but it taught me a lot of new things! Now I know how to acquire images from many different areas.