Monday, September 20, 2010

W-W-Wiki :)

I think Wiki is awesome! I can't believe I have never heard of it before this class. I think this tool is great for a very wide range of things. Working together to make a website would be extremely easy using Wiki, and it opens up the range of people who can be in your collaboration because you are not limited to one city and one time and place to meet to work on it.

Web 2.0 Tools

I loved the assignment given for Web 2.0 tools. It was great to pick just one and explore about it and then watch presentations of other students discuss it. I was also nice because it was a change, other than just having a teacher explain it. Also, if the teacher were to try and explain all of them in the amount of time that the students did, I dont think I would have personally got as much out of it.
The one tool I see myself using in the classroom would definitely be Google Earth. Since I will be in elementary, I dont think I could apply a lot of the other tools as much. With Google Earht, there are so many possibilities, and SO MANY lessons can be taught using it. It's easy to use and fun and interesting for the students!
Personally, just for fun I liked the tools Wordle, and Picnik!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Signing Time With Kids Website

This website is great because it allows students to not only practice their signing skills, but also to have fun playing games and working on different skills deaf students struggle with, without even knowing it. It also has sign language handouts for the teacher to use to give out to the students.
Deaf students never get to experience music and this website has a compilation of "deaf songs" that students can practice.
The website also has an adult section that provides lesson plans and allows you to learn more about the people who created the program!
However, I could not find any respectable citations or credibility for this website.
It would be a good practice website but I dont know that I would even use it in my classroom.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Website Evaluation

This website is extremely useful because it describes step-by-step which articles on the Web are useful to your research. I remember growing up in school, always having to write research papers. I always had an extremely difficult time finding sources that were usefull, relevant, and authentic. This website describes in detail, all of the things you need to look for in an article to be sure that it is beneficial to your research topic.